To report fraud or criminal activity:
Call: (925) 957-8028
Fax:  (925) 372-3678
Email: Fraud@contracostahousing,org

When reporting fraud or crime please be as specific as possible regarding the possible fraudulent activities in your voice or e-mail message. If you prefer to talk to us directly, please leave your name, phone number and the best time to contact you. All calls are confidential and you may choose to remain anonymous at all times. The Authority will not confirm the alleged family’s enrollment in HACCC programs nor will it notify the complainant of any investigation or adverse action taken against any participant in HACCC programs. We thank you for your time and cooperation.

Fraud and Abuse

HACCC is committed to protecting the integrity of the programs it administers. If you have reason to believe that any program violations are taking place in connection with any of the programs that are assisted by HACCC you should report it. A program violation may involve false statements, omissions or actions made with the intent to deceive or mislead, resulting in the misuse of funds or the violation or circumvention of HACCC program rules. A program violation may be committed by an applicant, assisted family or landlord.

The Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa takes all allegations of suspected fraud and misuse of programs seriously and will prosecute to the full extent of the law.

Examples Include:

  • Knowingly omitting income or assets of the family household
  • Knowingly under-reporting income/assets of the family household
  • Transferring income or assets to obtain/retain eligibility under false pretenses
  • Using false identity or Social Security Numbers
  • Using false documents such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, grant deeds
  • Falsifying the number of household members
  • Obtaining duplicate assistance or subletting all or part of the unit; withholding additional assistance such as AFDC, Child Support, etc.; charging additional rent from assisted tenants

Once convicted, offenders may face prison terms, probation, mandatory restitution, and termination from housing assistance.

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